Map of Europe re Will European Voters Launch the Patriotic Spring in 2017?

Will European Voters Launch the Patriotic Spring in 2017?

“America first! America first!” Newly-inaugurated President Trump declared to the tens of millions of international viewers last Friday. While many of Europe’s mainline politicians scrambled to the phones, the avowed nationalists revved their engines. “Trump has made the impossible possible,” France’s Marine Le Pen told the BBC. Will European voters launch the Patriotic Spring in 2017?

With Donald J. Trump at the helm, the USA hopped on the bandwagon to return power to the people. Our anti-establishment neighbors across the Great Pond have been working hard for years to do just that. With elections scheduled in three key European countries, 2017 may be the year.


Europe of Nations and Freedom

In the summer of 2015, nine Members of the European Parliament (MEP) formed the Europe of Nations and Freedom (ENF). The day after President Trump took office, January 21, The ENF held a conference in Koblenz, Germany. According to Soeren Kern of the Gatestone Institute, the multi-national organization called for the nine countries to “participate in a ‘patriotic spring’ to topple the European Union, reassert national sovereignty and secure national borders.”

Kern reports that: A growing number of Europeans are rebelling against decades of government-imposed multiculturalism, politically correct speech codes and mass migration from the Muslim world.

“Europe’s establishment parties, far from addressing the concerns of ordinary voters, have tried to silence dissent by branding naysayers as xenophobes, Islamophobes, and neo-Nazis.”

Sound familiar? The same is said of Trump and his supporters.

One member country of the ENF came close to taking the top spot in their 2016 elections. Austria’s Freedom Party gained a record-breaking 48% of the vote in the final round last December.

The traditional news reports highlight terrorist attacks in France and Germany, but Austria’s Muslim refugee woes are just as real. Earlier this month, the Clarion Project reported one incident involving a six-member teen sharia patrol.

Out for a day at the Mall in Vienna, the fifteen-year-old girl finished her day in the hospital. The Sharia Patrol accused the teen of pulling on another adolescent’s burqa. Denying the offense made no difference.

After knocking her to the ground, all six patrol members took a turn at beating and kicking the girl. She sustained twenty-two blows to her head, fracturing her jaw in two places.

The leader of the group warned her not to involve the police. The victim succumbed to their threats, but her sister called them from the victim’s hospital room.

As it turned out, no sketch artist was needed. The violent group posted the attack online. The leader ran his photo on Facebook with the caption: Jawbreaker.

Not only Donald J. Trump’s success at the polls, but the near-victory of the Austria Freedom Party energized the group. They won’t stop until the current administration of tolerance and turning a blind eye to Muslim violence in the name of religion has been replaced.  The citizens of Austria deserve a government that protects its people.

In the meantime, the anti-establishment supporters of Austria look with hope to the 2017 elections scheduled in Holland, France, and Germany. No doubt victory for their colleagues would affect Austria.


Meet the 2017 Nationalist Candidates


Holland: Election March 15

Courtesy of 123RF Stock Photo/George Tsartsianidis

Geert Wilders, 53, is an MEP as well as the leader of the Party for Freedom in the Dutch House of Representatives.

Geert, the youngest of four children, is the son of a Dutch father and a Colonial Indonesia-born mother. He spent his early employment years in the health insurance industry.

Like many young men, Wilders had an itch to travel. He wanted to visit Australia, but his funds stretched only as far as Israel.

For two years, young Wilders worked at a moshav in Israel. His early introduction to the Jewish State produced a long-lasting and profound respect for their government, the only democracy in the region. By contrast, visiting Arab countries burned in Wilders the realistic view of the oppression of the common people.

Geert Wilders has committed his political career to protecting his beloved Dutch constituency from the lifestyle he’d witnessed under Muslim authority. His position has put his life in jeopardy.

Wilders served one of the main establishment parties for years–first as speechwriter and later specializing in foreign policy.  His break with the establishment came in 2004, resulting in the formation of the Party for Freedom. The irreconcilable differences centered on the issue of allowing The Muslim nation of Turkey into the European Union.

E.U. membership would allow tens of millions of Muslim Turks to cross into any of the E.U. countries. The massive number could easily establish the Islamic culture, overtaking the smaller Christian European States.

From the founding of the Party for Freedom, Geert Wilders has survived several attempts on his life. The constant death threats have radically altered the daily routine of this Dutch politician.

Wilders wears a bullet-proof vest, rides in a bullet-proof vehicle, has six bodyguards, is forced to live in a safe house—complete with panic room, has his parliamentary office tucked away at the end of a remote corridor so his guards can better protect him, and he can meet with his wife of 25 years only about once a week. Geert Wilders is committed to keeping Holland free of Muslim rule of Dutch towns and villages.

Already the loudspeakers bark out the harsh Arabic sounds of the Muslim call to prayer five times a day, interrupting the quiet early morning serenity of Holland’s municipalities. Gangs of Muslim refugees terrorize Dutch streets. Authorities do little to stop them.

Trump’s mention of America’s politicians in his Inaugural Address echoed that of Geert Wilders when speaking of the Dutch political system.  Wilders asserts that the political elite of Holland is more concerned with furthering their careers than carrying out the will of the people.

Geert Wilders speech before the ENF on January 21 began: “Yesterday a new America, today Koblenz and tomorrow a new Europe!”

The closing remarks included, “My friends, we live in historic times. The people of the West are awakening. They are casting off the yoke of political correctness. They want their freedom back. They want their sovereign nations back. And we, the patriots of Europe, will be their instrument of liberation!”

May God protect Geert Wilders, and may the election on March 15 be free and fair.


France: Elections April 23 (First Round) and May 7

Courtesy of 123RF Stock Photo/fckncg

Marine Le Pen, 48 and mother of three, is the President of the National Front (FN), a national conservative party.

As a child, Le Pen suffered under the death threats and several attempts targeting her father, Jean-Marie Le pen, founder of the far-right National Front. The young girl stood on a staircase in the family home as a bomb exploded at the front of their house. Marine knew well the dangers before she followed her father into politics.

After law school, Le Pen defended illegal immigrants in criminal courts for six years. In 1998, Marine left to serve as lawyer for the National Front.

Jean-Marie Le Pen presided over the National Front for forty years. Ms. Pen took the reins of leadership from her father in 2011, but Marine didn’t agree with many of the radical views of her father. The FN of today is Far more moderate.

Marine Le Pen has been a Member of the European Parliament since 2004. In 2016, she was voted the second most influential MEP, just under the President.

The National Front came in third in the 2012 elections, but latest polls show Marine Le Pen overtaking the lead from establishment candidates as this election date draws near.

In Le Pen’s speech to the ENF, she referred to Brexit and the unprecedented rise of Donald Trump:

“We are living through the end of one world, and the birth of another. We are experiencing the return of nation-states. 2016 was the year the Anglo-Saxon world woke up. 2017, I am sure, will be the year in which the peoples of the European continent rise up.”

May God protect Marine Le Pen, and may God grant the French safe and fair elections on April 23 and May 7!


Germany: Election September 24

Courtesy of 123RF Stock Photo/fckncg

Frauke Petry, 41 and mother of four, is the leader of the Alternatives for Germany (AfD) party. Petry calls her political views national conservative, suggesting terms such as left or right are no longer relevant to today’s political scene.

Frauke Petry was born and raised in East Germany, as was now-Chancellor Angela Merkel. Merkel was the daughter of a Lutheran pastor. Frauke was married to a Lutheran pastor until October 2015.

Some political pundits suggest Chancellor Merkel’s pro-immigration stance stems from her East German childhood. The same may be said of Petry, though her upbringing demonstrated to her just what can happen when the governing authorities abandon the need to protect their citizens.

Petry has a Ph.D. in chemistry and is a small business owner. When confronted by youth about her rejection of the notion of global warming, Dr. Petry often uses examples from chemistry to explain the basics.

Like her colleagues in the ENF, Frauke believes things need to change regarding the European Union, immigration, and the Islamization of Europe.

Germany’s new Ministry of Truth may make it even more difficult for Dr. Petry to express the views of the Alternative for Germany party. A ban is being imposed on criticizing the government leaders and policies, especially immigration, the E.U., Islam, and individuals within the ruling elite.

To my consternation, much of what I’ve read about Dr. Frauke Petry in the mainline press is not just negative, but reprehensible. Her views against massive immigration of Muslims, enforced wearing of burqas, the sounding of the minarets in German neighborhoods, and expressing concerns related to E.U. membership have labeled her a Nazi. She’s been given names reminiscent of the Hitler era.

Often the reporters tag anything not found under the Liberal banner as Hitlerian. As a Christian conservative, such stifling of simple freedom of speech harkens back to a very dark time in world history. None of us wants to go there, do we?

May God protect Frauke Petry, and may God give all Germans a safe and fair election on September 24!



While I’m an American and not voting for any of the abovementioned candidates, I’m intrigued by the notion of a Patriotic Spring.

One cannot help but be impressed by their courage to speak up for their beliefs. I’ve read many others express the truth about Islam, the Trojan horse in Europe. Clamping down on unvetted immigration may provide some measure of protection for the USA, too.

Will European voters launch the Patriotic Spring in 2017? We’ll soon find out.

If you’d like to follow things a bit closer than the mainline news, you’ll find some incredible reports in both Gatestone Institute ( and the Clarion Project ( Subscribing will bring the news right to your inbox.

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  1. Amazing!

    1. Isn’t it just amazing! This should be an interesting year.

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