February 2015


Respect in the Jungle

My rookie year in the African jungle taught me so many lessons; none quite as close to home as this one. “Louis (pronounced Louie),” I called to the young boy, “how are you today?” The scrawny, seven-year-old boy clad only in the typical long tribal shorts and worn tee shirt, had just passed our tent. […]

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The Search

The heat of another African morning engulfed me. As I prayed, the following picture formed inside my head: In my mind’s eye, I saw the image of a young woman lying on her left side. The relaxed position of her body indicated sleep rather than an accidental fall. I zoomed-in to increase clarity. She’d dressed […]

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Ebola: An Insider’s Reflections

Having served the people of Guinea for the past twenty-four years, I find two of the many reports recently released by the World Health Organization (WHO) especially troubling. There’s just so much more to the Ebola story than the media broadcasts. Late last week, we heard a spokesman declare the Encouraging news that the cases […]

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